Here are the details of Professor Pradip Ray.
Resume (Prof Pradip Kumar Ray)
Name and Designation
Dr Pradip Kumar Ray
Emeritus Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Advisor, Vinod Gupta School of Management
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Educational Qualification
BE (Mechanical Engineering) in 1979 with First Class from B E College (under Calcutta University), Shibpur (presently, IIEST Shibpur), State of West Bengal, India
- Tech (IE and OR) in 1981 from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Graduate Diploma in Materials Management in 1985 with First Class from Indian Institute of Materials Management, Calcutta
PhD (in Engineering) in 1991 from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
PhD thesis title: “Studies on Some Aspects of Productivity Management for Manufacturing and Service Functions”.
Professional Experience
- Emeritus Professor at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India since July, 2021 to date.
- Professor (August. 2004 to June, 2021), Associate Professor (July, 1997 to July,2004), Assistant Professor (July, 1991 to June,1997) and Lecturer (March, 1989 to June, 1991) at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.
- Senior Industrial Engineer at the General Electric Company (GEC) of India Ltd., Calcutta, India from August, 1981 to February, 1989
Specialization and Expertise
Productivity measurement and evaluation, quality design and control, TQM, process optimization, ergonomics/human factors engineering, safety engineering management, JIT-based operations management, healthcare systems management and other related topics.
Awards and Positions in Professional/Academic Bodies
- Awarded APO National Award for Productivity Technical Expert for the year 2022.
- Awarded P C Mahalanobis Award by Operational Research Society of India in December, 2018
- Fellow of World Academy of Productivity Science (WAPS)
- Fellow of The Institution of Engineers (India) (FIE)
- Life Member, Indian Society of Ergonomics (ISE)
- Regular Member, INFORMS USA, and Member, IIMM
- Chairman, Production Engineering Division, West Bengal State Committee, The Institution of Engineers (India) for the sessions 2016-18, 2018-21, and 2021-23.
- Member, Managing Committee, School of Management Science, IIEST, Shibpur, India (2015-18)
- Member, Board of Governors, National Institute of Technology Mizoram (2013-22)
- Member of Senate, National Institute of Technology Manipur
for the session 1918-20. - Expert Member, National Board of Accreditation (NBA) in Mechanical
Engineering and Industrial Engineering. - Expert Member, AICTE Accreditation for Management Programme.
- Member, Editorial Review Board of South Asian Journal of Global Business
Research, Emerald Publisher - Member, Peer Review Board of PIRJSET (PROFICIENT International Refereed Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology), Jahanvi Publisher, Jaipur, India
- Awarded Distinguished Scholar 2013 by International Association of Research
Scholars (IARS), Australia - Member, Board of Governors, BA College of Engineering Technology,
Jamshedpur, India. - Member, Board of Governors, MCKV Institute of Engineering, Howrah,
West Bengal, India. - Member, Production Engineering Divisional Sub-Committee, The
Institution of Engineers (India) for sessions 2014-15, and 2015-16. - Member, PhD Committee of Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, MAKAUT, West Bengal, India, 2021-24.
Publications (International/National Journals)
- Ray, Pradip Kumar and Sahu S, “Productivity Measurement in Multi-Product Manufacturing Firms”, Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 1987, 13(4), 39-54.
- Ray, Pradip Kumar and Sahu S “The Measurement and Evaluation of White Collar Productivity”, Int. Journal of Operations and Production Management, 1989, 9(4), 29-47.
- Ray, Pradip Kumar and Sahu S “Productivity Management in India: A Delphi Study”, Int. Journal of Operations and Production Management, 1990, 10, 25-51.
- Ray, Pradip Kumar and Sahu S “Productivity Measurement through Multi-Criteria Decision Making”, Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 1990, 20, 151-163.
- C Sateesh and Pradip Kumar Ray, “Vehicle Routing in Large Organizations: A Case Study”, Int. Journal of Operations and Production Management, 1992, 12(3), 71-78.
- Ray, Pradip Kumar and Sahu S “Productivity Measurement in Multi-Product Manufacturing Firms : Evaluation and Control through Sensitivity Analysis”, Int. Journal of Production Economics, 1992, 28, 71-84.
- Dabade B. M. and Pradip Kumar Ray, “Quality Engineering for Product and Process Performance Improvement: A Review and Reflections”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 1996, 12, 173-189.
- Ray Pradip Kumar, A. Bhattacharjee, S. C. Roy and B Samanta, “Human Factors Application in Mining: A Case Study”, Transactions of MGMI of India, Vol. 93, No. 1, September, 1996, 105-116.
- Ray, Pradip Kumar, A. Bhattacharjee and B Samanta, “A Statistical Approach for Evaluating the Impact of Blending”, Journal of Mines, Metals, and Fuels, Jan-Feb, 2000, 23-28.
- Agarwal D. and Pradip Kumar Ray, “Cell Formation in Cellular Manufacturing: An AHP-based Framework for Evaluation of Various Techniques”, Int. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 5, Nos. 5/6, 2003, 521-535.
- Ohdar Rajkumar and Pradip Kumar Ray, “Performance Measurement and Evaluation of Suppliers in Supply Chain: An Evolutionary Fuzzy-based Approach”, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol.15, No.8, 2004, pp. 723-734.
- Doogar Gaurav and Pradip Kumar Ray, “Analysis of Spares Parts Management System of a Mining Company using Simulation Approach”, Industrial Engineering Journal, IIIE, Bombay, India, Vol. XXXV No.9, September, 2006, pp.2-15.
- Indrajit Mukherjee and Pradip Kumar Ray, “A Review of Optimization Techniques in Metal Cutting Processes”, International Journal of Computers & Industrial Engineering, 50 (2006), pp.15-34.
- Indrajit Mukherjee and Pradip Kumar Ray, “Metaheuristic Strategies for Non-linear Multi-Response Grinding Process Optimization”, The ICFAI Journal of Operations Management, V, No.2, May 2006, pp. 35-56.
- Rajkumar Ohdar and Pradip Kumar Ray, “Supply Chain Management Practices in Indian Manufacturing Companies: A Study”, The ICFAI Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. III, No. 4, December, 2006, pp. 7-38.
- Indrajit Mukherjee and Pradip Kumar Ray, “Optimal Process Design of Two-Stage Multiple Response Grinding Processes using Desirability Functions and Metaheuristic Techniques”, International Journal of Applied Soft Computing, 8(1), 2007, pp. 402-421.
- Indrajit Mukherjee and Pradip Kumar Ray, “A Modified Tabu Strategy for Continuous Variable Constrained Optimization Problem, Vision-Journal of Management and Allied Sciences, III (3), July-September 2007, 1-5.
- Panja S C and Ray P K, “Reliability Analysis of ‘Point-and-Point-Machine’ of Indian Railway Signaling System”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 23 (2007), pp.833-848.
- Panja S. C. and Ray P.K., “Reliability Analysis of Track Circuit of Indian Railway Signalling System”, International Journal of Reliability and Safety, Vol.1 (4), 2007, pp.428-445.
- Indrajit Mukherjee and Pradip Kumar Ray, “A Modified Tabu Search Strategy for Multiple-Response Grinding Process Optimization”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (IJISTA), In the Special Issue on: “Advanced Evolutionary Computational Techniques for Design, Manufacturing, Logistics and Supply Chain Problems”, V4 (N 1/2), 2008, pp 97-122.
- Indrajit Mukherjee and Pradip Kumar Ray, “A Systematic Solution Methodology for Inferential Multivariate Modelling of Industrial Grinding Process”, International Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 196 (2008), 379-392.
- Krishna, C.M. and Ray, P.K. (2008) ‘Empirical Relationship between Product Variety, In-house Capability and Outsourcing Capability: The Case of a Watch Manufacturing Firm in India’. International Journal of Technology Marketing. 3(3): 223-258.
- Indrajit Mukherjee and Pradip Kumar Ray, “Quality Improvement of Multistage and Multi-response Grinding Processes: An Insight into Two Different Methodologies for Parameter Optimization”, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 4(5-6), 2009, pp. 613-643.
- Panja S. C. and Ray P.K., “Failure Mode and Effect Analysis of Indian Railway Signalling System”, International Journal of Performability Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, January 2009, pp.131-141.
- Shome, D., Ray, P. K. and Mahanty, B. (2009), ‘Non-contact Estimation of Surface Roughness in Turning using Computer Vision and Artificial Neural Network’, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp.349-367.
- Shome, D., Ray, P. K. and Mahanty, B. (2009), ‘Quality Improvement of Machine Vision-Based Non-Contact Inspection of Surface Roughness in Turning through Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Interference System’, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp.324-344.
- Maiti, J., Khanzode Vivek V. and Ray, P. K. (2009), “Severity Analysis of Indian Coal Mine Accidents – A Retrospective Study for 100 years”, Safety Science, 47, pp. 1033-1042.
- Indrajit Mukherjee and Pradip Kumar Ray (2009),”A Case-based and Practical Approach for Multivariate Modeling of Grinding Process”, Int. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 45:245-260.
- Mondal, S. C., Maiti, J. and Ray, P. K. (2010), “Development of a Measurement Metric for Manufacturing Process Robustness”, Int. Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Vol.6, No.2, 2010, pp. 156-181.
- Nayak, N. C. and Ray, P. K. (2010), “Flexibility and Performance Relationships: Evidence from Indian Bearing Manufacturing Firm”, Int. Journal of Modelling in Operations Management, 1 (1), pp. 67-82.
- Khanzode, V. V., J Maiti, P. K. Ray, and V. K. Tewari (2010), “Injury Severity Assessment for Underground Coalmine Workers”, Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 41, pp. 242-250.
- Nayak, N. C. and Ray, Pradip K. (2011), “Flexibility Adoption in Indian Manufacturing Firms: a Current Perspective”, Int. Journal of Process System Engineering, Vol. 3 (3/4), pp. 267-287.
- Khanzode, V. V., J Maiti, and P. K. Ray (2011), “Injury Count Model for Quantification of Risk of Occupational Injury”, Int. Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, March, 2011, pp.1-12.
- Sushant Tripathy, Pradip Kumar Ray and Sadananda Sahu (2011), “Performance Measurement of R&D is a Vaccine for Innovation Capability: Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Organizations”, Int. Journal of Electronic Transport, Vol.1 (1), pp.76-95.
- Nayak, N. C. and Ray, Pradip K. (2012), “An Empirical Investigation of the Relationships between Manufacturing Flexibility and Product Quality”, Int. Journal of Modelling in Operations Management, Vol. 2 (1), pp. 26-44.
- Chimata Murali Krishna and Pradip Kumar Ray (2012), “Capabilities of Product Development Process of a Firm: An Empirical Study’, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management. Vol. 9, No. 4, pp.(In Press).
- Nayak, N. C. and Ray, Pradip K. (2012), “Relating Manufacturing Flexibility and Product Quality: An Empirical Investigation”, Int. Journal of Quality and Innovation (In Press).
- Sushant Tripathy, Pradip Kumar Ray and Sadananda Sahu (2012), “Factors Governing R&D Practices in Indian Manufacturing Firms: Structural Equation Modelling”, Int. Journal of Modelling in Operations Management, Vol. 2(1), pp.45-68.
- Indrajit Mukherjee and Pradip Kumar Ray (2012), “Ascendancy of a Modified Tabu Search for Multistage Nonlinear Multiple Response Constrained Optimization Problem”, Int. Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, Vol.9, No.3, pp. 352-381.
- Khanzode, V. V., J Maiti, and P. K. Ray (2012), “Occupational Injury and Accident Research: A Comprehensive Review”, Safety Science (In Press).
- Mondal, S C, Ray, P K and Maiti, J (2012), “Modelling Robustness for Manufacturing Processes: A Critical Review”, Int. Journal of Production Research, Taylor and Francis, DOI:10.1080/00207543.2013.837588.
- Parida, R. and Ray, P. K. (2012), “Study and Analysis of Occupational Risk Factors for Ergonomic Design of Construction Worksystems”, Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, Vol. 41, pp. 3788-3794.
- Parida, R. and Ray, P. K. (2012), “Biomechanical Evaluation of Construction Jobs for Performance Improvement”, Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, Vol. 41, pp.5959-5965.
- Ray, P.K. and Tewari, V.K.(2012), “Design and Implementation of Ergonomic Performance Measurement System at a Steel Plant in India”, Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, Vol. 41, pp. 5943-5949.
- Tewari, V.K. and Ray, P.K. (2012), “Ergonomic Design of Crane Cabins: A Case Study from a Steel Plant in India”, Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, Vol. 41, pp.5972-5976.
- Ratri Parida and Pradip Kumar Ray (2012), “A Comprehensive Framework for Physical Evaluation of Manual Material Handling Tasks”, Int. Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol. 24, No. 1/2/3/4, pp. 153-166.
- Ohdar, Rajkumar and Ray, Pradip Kumar (2012), “Suppliers’ Performance Evaluation and Ranking in a Supply Chain: An Analytical Hierarchy Process-Based Approach”, The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. IX, No. 1, 2012, pp. 1-18.
- Mondal, S C, Maiti, J. and Ray, P K. (2013), “Modelling Robustness in Serial Multistage Manufacturing Processes”, Int. Journal of Production Research, Taylor and Francis,DOI:10.1080/00207543.2013.798052.
- Sushant Tripathy, Pradip Kumar Ray and Sadananda Sahu (2013) “Interpretive Structural Modelling for Critical Success Factors of R&D Performance in Indian Manufacturing Firms”, Journal of Modelling in Management, Vol.8, No.2 (in press).
- Bhattacharjee, P. and Ray, P. K. (2013), “Modelling and Optimization of Healthcare Systems: An Overview”, Int. Journal of Logistic Systems and Management (in press).
- Sameer Abdul Azeez, J Maiti, O B Krishna and P K Ray (2013), “Anthropometric Analysis of Crane Operators in Indian Steel Industry”, Industrial Engineering Journal, IIIE, Mumbai, India, Vol. VI, Issue 11, November, 2013, pp.26-35.
- S Kushwaha, S Sikdar, I Mukherjee and P K Ray (2013), “A Modified Desirabiliy Function Approach for Mean-Variance Optimization of Multiple Responses”, Int. Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, IGI Global, 5(3), July-September 2013, pp. 7-21.
- Basu, Bhaskar and Ray, Pradip Kumar (2014), “Measuring and Evaluating KM Capability in an Organization: An Exploratory Case Study”, VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Emerald, Vol.44, No.2, pp.267-294.
- O B Krishna, J Maiti, P K Ray and Saptarshi Mandal (2015), “Assessment of risk of musculoskeletal disorders among crane operators in a steel plant: A data mining based analysis”, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Services, Wiley-Blackwell, 25, pp. 559-572.
- Bhattacharjee, P. and Pradip Kumar Ray (2014), “Patient Flow Modelling and Performance Analysis of Healthcare Delivery Processes in Hospitals: A Review and Reflections”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 78, pp.299-312.
- Bhattacharjee, P. and Pradip Kumar Ray (2014), “Modelling and Optimization of Healthcare Systems: An Overview”, Int. Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 356-371.
- Krishna, O B, Maiti, J, Ray, P K, B Samanta, Saptarshi Mandal and Sobhan Sarkar (2015),”Measurement and Modeling of Job Stress of EOT Crane Operators”, Safety and Health at Work, Elsevier, 6 (4), pp. 279-288.
- Nayak, N C and Ray, P K (2015), “Flexibility and Quality Aspects of Indian Manufacturing Management Practices: An Empirical Investigation”, Journal of Production Engineering, 18 (1): 81-86.
- Pradip Kumar Ray, Ratri Parida and Esha Saha (2015), “Status Survey of Occupational Risk Factors of Manual Material Handling Tasks at a Construction Site in India”, Procedia Manufacturing, Elsevier, 3 (2015):6579-6586.
- Pradip Kumar Ray, Ratri Parida and Sagar Sarkar (2015), “Ergonomic Analysis of Construction Jobs in India: A biomechanical modelling approach”, Procedia Manufacturing, Elsevier, 3 (2015): 4606-4612.
- Ratri Parida and Pradip Kumar Ray (2015), “Factors Influencing Construction Ergonomic Performance in India”, Procedia Manufacturing, Elsevier, 3 (2015): 6587-6592.
- Ratri Parida and Pradip Kumar Ray (2015), “Biomechanical Modelling of Manual Material Handling Tasks: A Comprehensive Review”, Procedia Manufacturing, Elsevier, 3 (2015): 4598-4605.
- Mondal, S C, Maiti, J. and Ray, P K. (2016), “Modelling Process Robustness: A Case Study of Centrifugal Casting”, Production Planning and Control, Taylor and Francis, 27 (3), pp. 169-182.
- Papiya Bhattacharjee and Pradip Kumar Ray (2016), “Simulation Modelling and Analysis of Appointment System Performance for Multiple Classes of Patients in a Hospital: A Case Study”, Operations Research for Health Care, Elsevier, Vol.8, pp.71-84.
- Papiya Bhattacharjee and Pradip Kumar Ray (2018), “Scheduling Appointments for Multiple Classes of Patients in Presence of Unscheduled Arrivals: Case Study of a CT Department”, IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/24725579.2018.1442377.
- Esha Saha and Pradip Kumar Ray (2019), “Modelling and Analysis of Inventory Management Systems in Healthcare: A Review and Reflections”, Computers and Industrial Engineering,
- Esha Saha and Pradip Kumar Ray (2019), “Patient Condition-based Medicine Inventory Management in Healthcare Systems”, IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering,
- Esha Saha and Pradip Kumar Ray (2019), Identifying Association Rules among Medicines in Prescription Data for Hospital Inventory Control, International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (Accepted).
- Esha Saha and Pradip Kumar Ray (2019), Modelling and Analysis of Healthcare Inventory Management Systems, OPSEARCH (Accepted).
- Raseed H, Saeedeh M, Pradip Kumar Ray, Hamid S, Khadijeh N G, and Alireza M (2023) The Differences between Normal and Obese Patient Handling: Re-structure Analysis of Two Questionnaires, MNC Musculoskeletal Disorders, Springer Nature, 24:359,
- Pradip Kumar Ray, Virendra Kumar Tewari and Kriti Karmakar (2023), Design and Development of Automated Systems for Ergonomic Evaluation of Human-Product Interface in Healthcare Systems: Issues, Methods, and Applications, HCII-2023 Papers Proceedings, Springer.
- Kriti Karmakar and Pradip Kumar Ray (2023), Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on blood transfusion service: A case study from Kolkata, India, Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management (Accepted for publication).
Summary of Research Output
Published 166 papers in International Journals, International and National Conferences, 1 text book, 6 edited books and 23 book chapters; supervised 19 PhD scholars with 4 research scholars currently working; coordinated 68 outreach training programmes.
Supervision of PhD-level Research Work
- Studies on Some Aspects of Quality Engineering in Production Plants”, awarded in July, 1998 (B M Dabade).
- “Studies on Some Aspects of Just-In-Time (JIT) Implementation in Indian Manufacturing Organizations”, awarded in June, 1999 (S S Mahapatra).
- “A study on Design and Implementation Aspects of Cellular Manufacturing”, awarded in February, 2004 (D Agarwal).
- “Modelling and Analysis of Supply Chains of Indian Manufacturing Companies”, awarded in September, 2005 (R K Ohdar).
- “Modelling and Optimization of Abrasive Metal Cutting Processes”, awarded in August, 2007 (I Mukherjee).
- “A Study on Signaling Systems of Indian Railways”, awarded in March, 2008 (S C Panja).
- “Studies on Some Aspects of New Product Development in Indian Manufacturing Firms”, awarded in July, 2008 (C M Krishna).
- “Studies on Total Quality Management in Indian Manufacturing Firms”, awarded in November, 2008 (P Talapatra).
- “Automated Non-Contact Inspection of Engineering Products”, awarded in July, 2009 (D Shome).
- “Modelling Risk of Occupational Injury”, awarded in August, 2010 (Vivek Vilas Khanzode).
- “Studies on Flexibility in Production Systems”, awarded in April, 2011 (Narayan Chandra Nayak).
- “Critical Success Factors for R&D in Indian Manufacturing Firms”, awarded in August, 2011 (Sushanta Tripathy).
- “Modelling Robustness in Manufacturing Processes”, awarded in March, 2012 (Subhas Chandra Mondal).
- “Studies on Some Aspects of Knowledge Management in Organizations”, awarded in March, 2012 (Bhaskar Basu).
- “Evaluation and Design of EOT Crane Operator’s Job: A Macro-Ergonomic Approach”, awarded in July, 2013 (O Bala Krishna).
- “Ergonomic Study of Manual Material Handling Tasks in Construction”, awarded in October, 2013 (Ratri Parida).
- “Modelling and Analysis of Hospital Appointment Scheduling Systems”, awarded in February, 2016 (Papiya Bhattacharjee).
- “Modelling and Analysis of Healthcare Inventory Management Systems”, Defence Viva Voce in May, 2020 (Esha Saha).
- “Modelling and Analysis of Cargo Vessel Scheduling in Ports for Improved Performance”, Defence Viva Voce, March 2022 (Mitrabarun Ghosh).
Copyright Granted
- The EPI model, a unique tool for measuring and assessing the ergonomic performance for any unit of analysis in any type of organization designed for the first time, has been copyrighted. (Registration Number: L-23080/2005)
Research and Consulting Projects Undertaken: 31
List of Major Projects (Research and Consultancy):
Sl. No | Title of the Project | Sponsor/Funding Agency | Responsibility | Timing/Duration |
1 | Manpower Study for the IMFA Ltd, Bhubaneswar, India | IMFA | PI | June 2022- July, 2023
(1 Year 1 month) |
2 | Going Global Project on ‘Pilot for Post-Graduate Programme in Circular Economy’ under Collaborative Grant of British Council, UK (Lead Institute: Aston University, Birmingham, UK) | British Council, UK | PI | January – December 2022
(1 Year) |
3 | Design and Development of Automated Systems for Ergonomic Evaluation of Human-Product Interface in Healthcare Systems | Apex Committee,
SPARC, MHRD, Government of India |
PI | March, 2019- September 2023
(4 Years 6 Months) |
4 |
Measurement and Evaluation of Punctuality and Timeliness in Train Operation of Indian Railways for outcome-based Audit and Performance Measurement | Comptroller and Auditor General of India, New Delhi | PI | September, 2019 – August, 2020
(1 Year)
5 | Manufacture of Shells for Field Guns with Improved Design and Performance | MHRD, Government of India and OFB, Ministry of Defence, Government of India
PI | August, 2017 to March, 2022
(4-year 7-month)
6 | Research on Institutions Offering Productivity Courses for Six Asian Countries | Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo, Japan | Chief Expert | October, 2015 to December, 2016
7 | Process Improvement of 130-mm Shell Manufacturing by Analyzing the Design and its Ballistic Behaviour | Indian Ordnance Factories, Ministry of Defence, Government of India | PI | December, 2014 – March, 2016 |
8 |
Climate Change Issues and Environmental Performance of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in India and the UK | UKIERI
(With Aston University, UK) |
CI | March, 2012 – June, 2015 |
9 |
Development of Diesel Price Escalation Formulae for HEMM Contract (DDPC) | Central Mine Planning and Design Institute Limited (CMPDI) | Co-Consultant | December, 2013 – June, 2014
( 6 Months) |
10 |
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment of Industrial Activities in the ITR, Chandipur | DRDO, Chandipur | Co-Consultant | December, 2012 – May, 2014
(1Year 6 Months) |
11 | Pilot Project on Implementation of Lean Engineering Practices at 11BRD, AF | Indian Air Force, New Delhi | PI and Team Leader | October 2008 – June, 2010.
(1 Year 8 Months) |
12 | Project on Preparation of Blueprint for Establishment of Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs | IICA, New Delhi | Co-PI | September, 2008 to February, 2009
(6 Months) |
13 | Study on Ore Losses during Transit and Material Handling for OMC-operated Mines | The Orissa Mining Corporation Ltd, Bhubaneswar | PI | August, 2007-December, 2008
(1 Year 5 Months) |
14 |
Developing a Maturity Model to Transform ‘Potential’ Organizational Resources to Assets (based on AXELL) for Tata Consultancy Services Ltd | Tata Consultancy Services, Bangalore | Co-PI | February, 2007 – January, 2008
(1 Year ) |
15 |
Manpower Study for the Mines Division of IMFA Ltd, Bhubaneswar | IMFA Limited, Bhubaneswar | PI | January- September, 2007
(9 Months)
16 |
Techno-Economic Feasibility Study for Alternate Products for Hindustan Cables Limited, Calcutta | Hindustan Cables Limited, Calcutta | Co-PI | January –May, 2007
(5 Months)
17 |
Development and Test of a Socio-technical Model for Assessing Occupational Risk of Injuries and Illnesses to Mine Workers, Sanctioned by CSIR, Govt. of India, New Delhi | CSIR, New Delhi | Co-PI | September, 2006 – August 2008
(2 Years)
18 | Ergonomics and Human Factor Engineering Laboratory Development under FIST-DST project
DST, New Delhi | PI | April, 2006 – March, 2011
(5 Years) |
19 |
Turnaround Strategies for Hindustan Cables Limited, Calcutta | Hindustan Cables Limited, Calcutta | Co-PI | August to November, 2004
(4 Months) |
20 |
IIT Mission Project on “Development of a high-speed sensing and detection system for automatic removal of packages with leaky seals from a high speed food processing and packaging line. | IIT Kharagpur | Co-PI |
November, 2003 to October, 2004 (1 Year) |
21 |
Upgradation and Development of Industrial Engineering Laboratory (MHRD-sponsored project) | MHRD, New Delhi | PI | May, 2003 to April, 2005
(2 Years) |
Design of Ergonomic Performance Indicator (EPI) for Tata Steel, Jamshedpur | Tata Steel Jamshedpur | PI | April, 2003 to August, 2003
(5 Months) |
23 |
Coal Net Software Application Development Project for Coal India Ltd, Calcutta, India | Coal India Limited, Calcutta | Co-PI | June,2001 to May,2002,
(1 year) |
24 |
Design of Material Handling: Inbound and Inside Logistics Systems for Tata Chemicals Ltd, Chemicals Division, Mithapur, Gujarat, India | Tata Chemicals Limited, Bombay | Co-PI | December, 2000 to
March, 2002 (1 year 4 months) |
25 |
Development of Time Standards for the Machining Operations at Flender Ltd, Kharagpur, India | Flender Limited, Calcutta | PI | December, 2000 to
August, 2001 (9 months) |
26 |
Layout Planning for a new factory producing microwave towers of Telecom, Calcutta, India | Telecom, Calcutta,
(Government of India) |
PI | January-June, 1994
(6 months) |
27 |
Work Study and Manpower Assessment of the Administrative Departments and Hospital of IIT, Kharagpur, India | IIT Kharagpur | PI | January, 1992- March, 1994
(2 years 3 months) |
28 |
Productivity Studies and Manpower Assessment of Production and Administrative Functions and Activities of IMFA, Bhubaneswar, India | IMFA, Bhubaneswar | Co-PI | January, 1992- March, 1993 (1 year 3 months) |
29 |
Development of an Ergonomics and Product Design and Development Laboratory | MHRD, New Delhi | PI | April, 1989-March, 1993
(4 years) |
30 | Interdisciplinary Work System Design Laboratory | MHRD, New Delhi | PI | December, 1987-March, 1990
(2 years 3 months) |
31 | Development and Implementation of Productivity Management System (PMS) for Blast Furnace, SMS, and Sheet Mill Maintenance of TISCO, Jamshedpur, India | Tata Steel Jamshedpur | Co-PI | July, 1988- January, 1990
(2 years) |